A Zap consists of a trigger and an action!
Follow the below-given instructions after you log in to your Zapier account:
To create a Trigger:
Click Create Zap as directed by the arrow in the figure below.
You will be taken to the below screen.
Name your Zap from here.
Choose your trigger app. The Zap will be triggered by an event that occurs in this app.
(You'll see the apps you use most frequently, built-in apps from Zapier, and popular apps (under the App Event). You can select from one of these, or look for the app you want to use in the search bar)
Choose an event from the drop-down menu.
(Select your trigger event: this will be the event that occurs in the selected app that triggers the Zap)
Select New Meeting as directed by the arrow in the figure below.
Click Continue.
Choose account and click continue.
(Select your app account: select or connect the specific app account to use in the Zap trigger.)
Choose Value>> Select meeting type and click Continue.
Click Test Trigger.
(When you test your trigger, Zapier is only looking for information. It's not posting or changing any information that already exists in your trigger app.)
You are taken to the below screen. Click Continue.
Follow the steps given below for creating an action:
Setup your action. Select Troop Messenger
Choose an Action event
(Choose your action app: the Zap will perform an action in this app when it is triggered.)
Select ‘Create Self Message’ and Click Continue
(Select your action event: this will be the event that the Zap performs in the selected app when it is triggered.)
Choose an account of Troop Messenger and Continue.
(Select your app account: select or connect the specific app account to use in the Zap action)
Select your company >>Enter Message>> Choose value
(Set up your action set up the data that you want to send over to your action app)
Select Trigger app >> Select Zoom >> click continue.
Click Test & Continue.
(Test your action: test your action to see if it's working as expected)
Your test was successful.
Click Turn on Zap
A new Zap has been created.
This is how you receive the meeting invite from Zoom in Troop Messenger! You can join this meeting from here.